Teazle Wood

The Teazle Wood Trust was founded in 2015 by the Friends of Teazle Wood, who formed in 2011 to campaign to save Teazle Wood, 57 acres of woodland in Leatherhead, Surrey. The campaign was successful, and the Friends raised enough money in donations and loans to purchase the wood in 2012. BUT we still have a long way to go to fully secure the wood and repay all the loans. We are actively fund raising, so please continue to support and donate to the Teazle Wood Trust. Please visit the ‘How to donate’ page 

Anyone can join( free) – a quarterly newsletter, a website, and social media keep us all informed, and supporters can participate in volunteer conservation days. Please contact us here

LITTER PICKING – we carry out a regular litter pick on the first Monday of every month, meet at the entrance by Tesco’s garage at 10am. Because of Covid, if you can bring your own litter pickers although we do have them available, we supply bags, wear sturdy shoes (it’s muddy in the winter!) and bring gloves. We often go for a walk in the woods afterwards so please come and join us! It’s best to check before turning up see our Facebook group ‘Friends of Teazle Wood’ .

The summer of 2019 was the first time Chalara dieback of ash trees has really made it’s presence felt in Teazle Wood, there are a very large numbers of ash trees, so this is a major event in it’s ever evolving story. The trustees of the Teazle Wood Trust commissioned a Forestry Commission management Plan as well as an up-to-date professional tree survey and tree safety work where absolutely necessary.  We regularly monitor the public footpath looking out for any sign of deterioration. For more information: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/tree-pests-and-diseases/key-tree-pests-and-diseases/ash-dieback/

We have trees with Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) in Teazle Wood, please take care and try and avoid walking under oak trees during their season. For more information: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/tree-pests-and-diseases/key-tree-pests-and-diseases/oak-processionary-moth/

Ecology, community, heritage, partnership and education are key themes, and a huge amount has been achieved in the first few years of stewardship by the Friends. Here is a snap shot of what been happening in the woods …

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In August 2018 we hosted another successful corporate team building day, which has become an annual event with different companies taking part, this year it was with volunteers from insurance specialists Arthur J Gallagher. The day was supervised by Helen Cocker from the Lower Moles and Lucy Quinnell from Teazle Wood Trust. Tasks included general litter picking, and creating a brush barrier to stop rubbish and fly-tipping from adjacent sites to Teazle Wood. Many thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work, and for making a difference.


LITTER & FLY TIPPING – Problem, Solution and Reward

We would love to be able to show you that all of Teazle Wood is gorgeous and safe for wildlife, but sadly like so many areas of the UK countryside (and streets!) we suffer from rubbish being dumped, and thoughtless people dropping litter. We have regular litter picks and are very grateful to all the volunteers who tirelessly and regularly tackle the problem and remove the rubbish. What a wonderful day it will be when as a society we have 100% recycling rates, less packaging and an attitude that responsible disposal of rubbish is vital to the health & well-being of our planet. But until that day…


Teazle Wood Trust – registered charity number 1160532

5 thoughts on “Teazle Wood”

  1. Hazel Hannam said:

    Soundbytes, local choir, have decided that Teazle Wood will be the recipient for our next fund-raising concert. The concert is FREE with a retiring collection for Teazle Wood. Friday, 22nd March, at Christ Church (UR) Leatherhead, Epsom Road, L’head, KT22 8ST @8pm (last approx 1hr.) Please spread the word so we get a great turn-out. More info@hazelhannam.co.uk

  2. Fantastic – thank you very much Hazel 🙂

  3. Ro Lavender said:

    Please add me to mailing list
    I am interested in litter picking and activitied in the woods

    • carolinecs1 said:

      Hi Ro, will do. We have a litter pick and sometimes maintenance work in the wood on the first Monday of every month. Meet 10am at the entrance to the wood by Tesco garage. Please check our Facebook page ‘Friends of Teazle Wood’ for regular updates. Thanks, Caroline

  4. Lynn Chidwick said:

    Would love to join your mailing list please and will be happy to help whenever we can.

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